Silk’n ReVit Prestige – A Review

A while back a company named Silk’n Solutions was generous enough to send me their newest at home microdermabrasion device called the ‘ReVit Prestige’. I’ve been using it for about 2 months now and I feel like that’s enough time to give my honest opinions on it.

Firstly, here’s a picture of what the device looks like. It’s pretty slick and very easy to hold.

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This is the first at home microdermabrasion device I’ve ever used, so unfortunately I can’t really compare it to others out there on the market, but I’ll let you know my personal experience with it and what it did for my skin.

Firstly, let’s take a look at what it claims to do. Their website describes it as

“a powerful microdermabrasion device that can give you firm and vital skin that looks younger in only several minutes. Dead skin cells are removed, and the production of new skin cells is stimulated. The skin texture and elasticity are visibly improved. The vacuum stimulation enhances the blood circulation for a healthy complexion. In addition, Silk’n ReVit Prestige makes irregularities, shallow acne scars and age spots less visible and helps soften large pores and fine lines.”

Their website also outlines the specific benefits it can have on your skin.

ReVit Prestige Microdermabrasion Benefits:

  • Ultra-powerful microdermabrasion device with diamond peeling
  • Improves skin tone, texture and elasticity*
  • Blurs age spots, irregularities in the skin and shallow acne scars
  • Removes dead skin cells, stimulates the production of new cells and stimulates the blood circulation
  • Can be used in manual mode, but also provides an auto mode that will guide you through your treatment for best results
  • Includes: 4 tips (Fine, Regular, Body, Massage), 30 filters, 1 stand/charging cradle, 1 adapter with USB cable, 1 cleaning brush and 1 pouch
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So…did it really live up to all of that? I would say yesss!! I don’t particularly have overly large pores to begin with, and fine lines are not really a skin concern of mine yet (fingers crossed lol), so I can’t speak to how it works for those particular skin concerns. However, my acne scars have significantly reduced and my skin texture just looks and feels smoother. You can totally tell that’s the case especially when applying my makeup, everything just seems to go on smoother and nicer!

Now I’ve only tested out the one head (there are 4 different tips you can use depending on what area of the body you’re working on). I’ve just stuck to the regular head and that’s been working just fine for me.

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In general, I think this device is helping to reduce the overall amount of acne that I usually get since it does a really good job of cleaning out your pores. My co-workers have noticed that my skin has been more glowy lately and I believe it is due to the stimulation of blood circulation as well as the intense exfoliation that occurs when using this device.

As much as I love the ReVit Prestige, I have a few words of caution for y’all. USE AS DIRECTED! I was using level two as my intensity and I left the suction on some spots on my face for a touch too long, and I ended up with a bunch of tiny face hickies in various spots! The key it to keep the device moving and not focus on one spot for too long. Oh well you live and learn! This was 100% a user error, learn from me folks HA!

Other than that small hiccup, this microdermabrasion device has been nothing but a dream for my skin! It retails at $199.00 and I totally recommend and encourage all of you to pick one up if you can!


